Through watching TV, you can encounter cultures that challenge your preconceptions, landscapes that defy imagination, and people who will forever alter your perception of the world. And through traveling to the places you see on travel TV, you can learn to navigate the labyrinthine streets of foreign cities, decipher the cryptic codes of unfamiliar languages, and savor the exciting flavors of far-off lands.

The best TV shows inspire you to explore, embrace the unfamiliar, or embark on a journey of self-discovery. For I believe that somewhere out there, waiting to be discovered, lies an adventure that will forever change the course of your existence.

But how do you choose a destination?

I’m about to recommend a bunch of TV shows. I am not paid to recommend them, I just thought you might appreciate me sharing. I’m sure you would do the same.

If you possess even a flicker of curiosity, if you harbor a yearning for the unfamiliar and the fascinating, then I urge you to embrace the challenges that travel presents. For within the depths of the unknown lies a world of wonder and excitement, a tapestry of experiences that will forever alter your perception of the world and your place within it. Even if you don’t leave the comfort of your own couch, you can at least watch other people have adventures on TV.

The Best TV Shows to Leave you Inspired

General Travel TV:

If you like the idea of watching shows to learn about what various destinations have to offer, you may want to check out some of these travel TV shows.

Food Travel TV:

These shows have more of a food focus, while still inspiring you to visit various destinations.

Scripted TV:

These are TV shows that do a great job of showcasing the culture and/or scenery of potential travel destinations.

Whatever your travel aspirations may be, the world is full of possibilities waiting to be discovered. All you need is the spark of inspiration to set your journey in motion.

If you know of other great TV shows that inspire travel, please share in the comments.

Want more travel inspiration? Check out these posts.

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